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I write on a whim, so this blog is a collection of my thoughts. I am definitely not a bot ;-) Feel free t get in touch with me!

Things You Should Say To Yourself If You Keep Procrastinating

 Been putting off an important task lately? I know the feeling is not really pleasant. It is like there is this huge sack of load that you are forced to carry around whenever you go. The thought that you left something undone robs your peace of mind. So why not just DO IT and get over it.

Sometimes a friend can help to remind you of all your pending work, but how about being tough on yourself instead. Here are things you can tell yourself (or someone you know) if you stubbornly and intentionally keep setting aside tasks:

keep calm and focus on yourself

How can you be so nasty (to yourself)? By procrastinating, you are doing a very grave injustice to yourself. Because for all you know, you may be delaying your victory, your moment of glory or the reward that is waiting for you.

Are you really that incompetent? Is completing a simple task so difficult for you? Can’t you do better?

Time wasted is lost forever. As they say and I am sure you have heard time and again- time is GOLD. So please don’t waste your life away by not doing the things you need to do now.

You will surely regret this. Spare yourself some regrets by avoiding procrastination. There is a great probability that five years from now, you will wish that you could have finished that task.

Are you happy to be one of the losers? Ask a bunch of successful people and most probably, procrastination is not one of their habits. So keep on procrastinating if you want to be among those people who never or rarely win because they usually do not finish their goals.
