Hi there!

I write on a whim, so this blog is a collection of my thoughts. I am definitely not a bot ;-) Feel free t get in touch with me!

A New Start

 July 18, 2023

July 20, 2023
11:24 a.m., Ph

 I have intended to start this online journal two days ago. But as usual, procrastination gets the better of me again. Still, I am glad I finally gained the courage and urge to write something here. I expect nothing of this blog, just a way to record my thoughts of the day and a simple exercise to hone my writing skills. Blogging (not vlogging) seems to be a dead sport in this era of Instagram, Tiktok, and FB reels anyway,

So I am feeling pretty relaxed these days. Partly because I am consciously making an effort to rest and recharge. I guess I am sleeping a lot better than before and doing less overthinking.

This week has been pretty relaxing as I am not laden with online tasks to do. Although I love getting writing, translating and subtitling projects, I also value the time when I have the luxury to just lounge around (that doesn't mean lying around all day ). I am trying to take advantage of these easy days before the new school-year for my two daughters begin next month. 

In the meantime, I have several projects brewing in my mind that I intend to accomplish soon. 
Well, this is it for now - i gotta end this entry right here as I need to cook lunch.

new beginning

